Minor Construction

DirectConnect provides greater quality of life for individuals and communities through minor construction and infrastructure improvements. This includes upgrades to shelters and orphanages through the installation of quality windows, upgrading bathroom/shower facilities, and structural improvements to kitchens and sleeping areas.

Infrastructure projects we have implemented include wheelchair ramps and small bridges made of concrete, with safety railings, that connect villages, replacing the old bridges that were made from bamboo.

How We Are Helping

Helping the poor in Belarus with home repairs

Helping the poor in Belarus with home repairs

Many homes in the villages of Belarus are quite old and in need of repair. We were asked if it would be possible to repair the roof of a home belonging to a widow and her three children. We agreed to provide the funds and are happy to report that the repairs have been...

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Ramps and Lifts for people with disabilities in Kosovo

Ramps and Lifts for people with disabilities in Kosovo

A flight of stairs, even a short flight, can be an insurmountable barrier to a person who is confined to a wheelchair. Bahrije was in this situation, not being able to leave her home easily. People with disabilities in such a place understand the old saying "so close,...

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New Opportunities in Ukraine

New Opportunities in Ukraine

We are beginning to expand our efforts in Ukraine.  Our first visit to Ukraine was in October of 2016 with the purpose of assessing the needs.  We made contact with someone in Ukraine who was willing to assist us in visiting places and finding those needing our...

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Humanitarian Aid
P.O. Box 37
MI 49021

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(269) 763-3687

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(269) 763-3689

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