Can Tho bridge rebuild

The bridge “before”


DCHA replaced a small footbridge in the Can Tho region of the southern part of Vietnam.  This has been done with the help of our on-site coordinators and the local government.

The people are very happy because this new bridge has the capacity to hold the weight of an ambulance if needed.

Check out the before and after photos.

The new bridge at Binh Thanh

The new bridge at Binh Thanh

Can Tho bridge "before and after"

Can Tho bridge “before and after”


It is important to note that this bridge also has a dedication marker (see image below) which states:

This bridge is a gift to the people of Binh Thanh Village from DirectConnect Humanitarian Aid in Memory of Charlie Hamilton.

A financial gift in the memory of Charlie was what made this possible. Charlie was a member of Christ’s Church in Wauseon, Ohio, and a Vietnam Veteran.

We appreciated the willingness of the local authority to honor Charlie by allowing this dedication plaque to be placed on this bridge site. It is written in both English and Vietnamese.

Binh Thanh bridge dedication plaque

Binh Thanh bridge dedication plaque